World confederation WAMMCO® has developed a standard set of rules and regulations for martial sport styles to join each other and compete under WAMMCO® competition rules for better and higher quality competition where together be recognize with World confederation as one into Olympic games sport,
When the styles provide all information about there styles, our world technical committee will work on the important principles in martial arts for recognition
Consideration for all styles (Japanese, Chinese, Korean, western styles), Disciplines (Styles) and Weapons system we have the lists below detail the most common styles and weapons styles we cover until now. Should you wish to enquirer about disciplines or weapons that are not listed below please contact us by email wammcoconfedeation (at) We update the list every time new styles become official member our World confederation WAMMCO®,
We have both traditional styles practicing as art of martial arts and martial sports as combat competition styles.
Approved Disciplines in WAMMCO®
- Archery’s styles are includes both the modren Archery and the traditional as (Japanese Kyudo)
- Aikido
- Aikikai
- Aikijutsu
- Aiuchi Ju Jitsu
- Arnis
- Brazilian Ju Jitsu
- Bokator
- Budo
- Bushido
- Boxing
- Capoeira
- Chen Fong Tai
- Choi Kwang Do
- Escrima
- Grappling systems (wrestling both roman & free style) & Sumo,
- Hapkido
- Iinkai Judo
- Jeet Kune Do
- Jiujitsu
- Jujutsu
- Judo
- Lim Fun Fong
- Kali Silat
- Karate styles are includes both (Traditional Karate & sports karate), Ashihara Karate, Chitoryu Karate, Kyukushinkai Karate, Genseikai Karate, Genseiryu Karate, GojuKai Karate, Gojuryu Karate, Isshinryu Karate, Shitokai Karate, Shitoryu Karate, Shotokai Karate, Shotokan Karate, Shorieryu Karate, Shorin ryu Karate, Shudokan Karate, Shukokai Karate, Wadokai Karate, Wadoryu Karate, Uechiryu karate, Aiwakai Karate Do,
- Kempo / Kenpo, Kempo JuJitsu, Ryukyu Kempo
- Kendo
- Kickboxing
- Kosho Ryu
- Kobudo
- Kuk Soo Won
- Kung Fu & KungFu San Soo & Kungfu Wushu,
- Martial Arts Based Fitness
- Martial Arts Based Wrestling
- Mixed Martial arts Traditional styles & (excluding street fighting competitions under name of mix martial arts)
- Muay Thai
- Ninjutsu
- Pa Kua Chang
- Savate
- Self Defence
- Shaolin Chuan Fa
- Shintaido
- Shorinji Kempo
- Shorinji ryu
- Soo Bahk Do
- Swords arts styles are includes, (Japanese Iaido, Iai-jutsu, Korean Kumdo, Fencing combat sports, Kenjutsu).
- Taekwondo
- Tai Chi & Tai Chi Chuan
- Taido
- Tang Soo Do
- Thai Boxing
- Tora Kai
- Wing Chun
- Qwan Ki do
- Yoga
Approved Weapons system as martial arts styles
- Bo Staff
- Bokken
- Foam Weapons
- Janbo
- Jo – JODO
- Katana
- Kama
- Kobudo
- Kobutjutsu
- Kubotan
- Kyudo
- Naginata
- Nunchuku
- Qiang
- Sai
- Shinai
- Sticks
- Tambo
- Tanto
- Tonfa